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Public Procurement Portal

On this website, public bodies in the Republic of Mauritius, post information relating to the traditional (ie paper-based) public procurement activities such as Invitation for Bids, Annual Procurement Plan, Summary of Bid Evaluation Report and Notice of Procurement Awards.

Since 28 September 2015, the Procurement Policy Office has setup a new e-Procurement System where public procurement activities are carried out digitally. The website address for the e-Procurement System is:

Suppliers, contractors and consultants are advised to register on the new e-Procurement System as the traditional public procurement will be gradually phased out. One of the benefits of registration is that the e-Procurement System sends e-mail alerts whenever Invitation for Bids are published.

Currently, these two websites are operating independently. Thus suppliers, contractors and consultants are advised to consult both of them for public procurement opportunities.